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Health Issues in the Latino Community
by Marilyn Aguirre-Molina, Carlos W. Molina, Ruth Enid Zambrana
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Results Health Issues in the Latino Community
Hispanic Health VitalSigns CDC Engage community health workers promotores de salud to educate and link people to free or lowcost services Community Health Workers promotores de salud can Use resources that have been developed to educate the Hispanic community about health risks and preventive services Everyone can Health Issues in the Latino Community Care Health Plan Health Issues in the Latino Community Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th This month long celebration honors the cultures and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain Mexico the Caribbean Central and South America Latinos NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness Yet without treatment certain mental health conditions can worsen and become disabling Issues to Consider Different reasons prevent Latinos from seeking treatment and receiving quality care Lack of Information and Misunderstanding about Mental Health Overall the Latino community does not talk about mental health issues What Matters Most Top 2016 Issues Facing Latinos in With the assistance of organizations like Voto Latino Latinos are registering to vote in record numbers Much speculation is being made about Latinos’ issues of concern during the 2016 election Presidential candidates pontificate on what they think the Latino community cares about hoping to win their vote at the ballot box Top issue for Hispanics Hint It’s not immigration Pew Indeed when Pew Research Center has surveyed the Hispanic community there are several issues that consistently rank higher on the list than immigration In 2013 some 57 of Hispanic registered voters called education an “extremely important” issue facing the nation today That’s compared with jobs and the economy 52 and health care Mental Illnesses A Stigma Among The Latino Community “Among the many obstacles that the Latino community faces stigma is first followed by distrust of government and religion” said Alfredo Huerta a Mexican immigrant with 18 years experience as a clinical therapist for the Riverside University Health System’s Department of Behavioral Health Emerging Issues in Hispanic Health Emerging Issues in Emerging Issues in Hispanic Health was a part of the National Academies effort to develop a larger broadscale study of Hispanics in the United States to explore the demographic economic and social trends affecting the Hispanic population in the areas of health education labor immigration community development and others Overcoming Mental Health Stigma in the Latino Community However only 20 percent of Latinos with a mental disorder talk about it with a primary care physician according to the Surgeon General’s report Mental Health Culture Race and Ethnicity 2 And only 10 percent pursue treatment from a mental health provider “Mental health issues have a stigma 3 in the Latino community” says HispanicLatino The Office of Minority Health In 2015 195 percent of the Hispanic population was not covered by health insurance as compared to 63 percent of the nonHispanic white population Health Hispanic health is often shaped by factors such as languagecultural barriers lack of access to preventive care and the lack of health insurance The Centers for Disease Control and FastStats Health of Hispanic or Latino Population Health of White nonHispanic Population More data Trends in Hispanic or Latino population health from Health United States Tables of Summary Health Statistics from the National Health Interview Survey Health United States – Infographics Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease